Taxonomy: Arthropods
Animal: Arthropods (pathology) 4 14.jpg
Sites: Skin
These are arthropods that can parasitise skin and subcutaneous tissues. To diagnose such parasitic infections - Scrap skin with a razor blade or knife until blood oozes and either1. Place into a jar and add 10 percent KOH. mix, transfer to test tube and boil until hairs are disintegrated OR 2. Place scraping on a slide and heat with 10 percent KOH OR mix scraping with a drop of glycerine or lactophenol. To examine skin snips: tease a small amount of tissue apart in a few drops of saline on a slide and examine under low power. To examine mites – mount directly in Gum Arabic/ glycerine/ chloral hydrate solution or use drop lactophenol blue or chlorlactophenol, ring with nail polish for a temporary mount or semi-permanent mount - use melted jelly and ring with nail polish or permanent mounts immerse in Decon 90 over night, dehydrate with alcohols, clear methyl salicylate and mount Canada balsam. To examine dipteran larvae – Place in hot water and then in 60C 70 percent alcohol and leave overnight, immerse in Decon 90 over night, dehydrate with alcohols, clear methyl salicylate and mount Canada balsam. H&E stained sections from biopsies may also be examined to detect these parasites.

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